Episode 105 / The Silk Road for the Gospel

Aug 20, 2024

Welcome to All Nations Conversation! A podcast dedicated to placing attention of world evangelism.

In this episode Tim Pledger will discuss his visit to Uzbekistan and a region of the world mostly given to Islam. He will talk about how the church and believers should use pathways like the Silk Road which spanned 4000 miles and for nearly 1600 years brought merchandise from one people to another. The gospel should be the same and we should always be looking for inventive ways to get the Word of God into the hearts of unbelievers. Don’t miss this episode.  

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To contact our special guest on today’s program, send Tim Pledger an email at tpledger2@gmail.com or check out this Facebook page about their ministry at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090324491055