Episode 101 / Planting House Churches in Iran

Jul 23, 2024    Iran, Church-planting, house churches

Welcome to All Nations Conversation! A podcast dedicated to placing attention of world evangelism.

In this episode we will speak to “Brother John” who has ministered preaching the gospel in Iran for more almost 30 years. He has over 80 house churches spread over hundreds of miles which have more than 900 people whom he has led to Christ. We will use my friend and John’s partner in ministry, Jim Herrington, to translate the conversation for us and expound on this great ministry which began in a Baptist Church in Baku, Azerbaijan where John was converted from Islam and became a Christian and fervent Evangelist.

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To contact our special guest on today’s program and speak to “Brother John” you can email Jim Herrington at herrington1925@gmail.com