"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Mark 16:15
In 2008, Calvary Baptist Church established the All Nations Outreach Ministry ("ANOM") as an arm of our church in order to evangelize the lost and help churches be more effective in their region of the world. As of the end of 2024, 103 of our members have taken 88 trips and taken the gospel into 209 different countries, encouraging local pastors and churches, starting new churches and have had over 270, 000 people come to Christ. As our members have travelled preaching Jesus, we have fallen in love with the works and families of the NATIONAL church planters. We currently support many of these men by getting the resources and finances so that they might have a greater influence for the gospel. Would you partner with us to help the National as they reach their own people for Heaven? Listen to our video above for 6 individual ways that you and your church can give to help the National.
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