"Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
Sunday School classes for every age and grade level every Sunday morning at 10:00am.
Junior Church every Sunday morning at 11:00am.
Patch the Pirate Club for kids 1st - 6th grade on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm.
Junior Church every Sunday morning at 11:00am.
Patch the Pirate Club for kids 1st - 6th grade on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm.

Every July the children of Calvary Baptist Church take part in our annual Vacation Bible School. This is an exciting week of games, crafts, snacks, skits, and Bible lessons. Our children give a “penny offering” each year to support the work of a missionary. Each year we see many children saved and baptized during this wonderful week. It is truly a blessing to see people in our church give themselves to make this a special time for the kids.
During the Summer our children get an opportunity to go Soldiers of the Cross Summer Camp right here in Florida. The camp is located in Central Florida and is attended by several churches throughout the region. The youth are encouraged to participate in competition as they represent our church. Grades from 4th to 12th are invited. The youth always come back excited about the things that are learned and with the new friendships that are made.
During the Summer our children get an opportunity to go Soldiers of the Cross Summer Camp right here in Florida. The camp is located in Central Florida and is attended by several churches throughout the region. The youth are encouraged to participate in competition as they represent our church. Grades from 4th to 12th are invited. The youth always come back excited about the things that are learned and with the new friendships that are made.