Episode 120 / Developing a Local Church with a Global Vision
Welcome to All Nations Conversation! A podcast dedicated to placing attention of world evangelism.
In this episode we will speak to my dad and pastor, Ken Pledger. He will review the last 38 years if his pastorate at our church in Florida and talk about how God has helped him to lead our church to having a global vision for reaching the souls of men. He will discuss the early says and give some practical ways that churches and pastors can have a greater passion for missions. Our church in Florida has an average of 990 souls saved per year and 220 baptized annually for nearly four decades. However, God has enabled us to extend our passion beyond our borders giving 28% percent of our budget to world missions. Don’t miss this episode!!!
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To contact our special guest on today’s program, send your correspondence to Pastor Ken Pledger at pastorpledger@gmail.com or check out our church website at www.calvarycares.net